People of the World

People of the World

Population 1993:      5,505,914,066

Population 2010:      7,041,386,066

Population 2025:      8,425,423,000

Population Density:  96-persons/sq. mi.

Urban Population:    2,328,267,731

Urban Percentage:    42.5 % of total population

Population Growth (1993 est.):   90,033,773

Population Growth Rate (1993 est.):1.6 % annually

Population Doubling Time:         42.39 years

Births (1993 est.):     141,225,585 annually

Birth Rate:      25.65 births per 1,000 population.

Fertility Rate:  3.29 children per woman.

Deaths (1993 est.):   51,191,815

Death Rate:     9.30 per 1,000 population.

Population under Age 15, Total: 1,790,020,223

Population under Age 15, Percent:        32.5 %

Population over Age 65, Total:   339,329,146

Population over Age 65, Percent: 6.2 %

Life Expectancy:       65.2 years

Life Expectancy, Female:   67.2 years

Life Expectancy, Male:       63.2 years

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